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魔兽世界职业的英文(魔兽世界 职业 英文)

2023-09-15 10:46:23


World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online game that has been around for over 15 years. It has garnered a massive following due to its immersive world, engaging gameplay, and a variety of character classes, each with their unique playstyle. The game currently has 12 classes, and each class has its strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will explore the different classes in World of Warcraft, their respective strengths, and how they fit into the game's overall plan.

The Classes

1. Warrior

Warriors are the classic melee class. They are masterful in wielding a wide range of weapons and armor, making them the primary tanks in any group. Warriors have high health points and can quickly switch between a defensive and aggressive stance, making them a versatile tank.

Strengths: High survivability, excellent at tanking

Weaknesses: Low damage output when compared to other classes

2. Paladin

Paladins are a hybrid class of melee and spellcaster. They are known for their ability to heal and protect their allies, making them a popular support character. Paladins can also wield a sword and shield or two-handed weapons, giving them flexibility in combat.

Strengths: Excellent support character, able to heal, and withstand massive amounts of damage.

Weaknesses: Low damage output

3. Hunter

Hunters are the game's primary ranged damage dealers. They specialize in using a bow or gun and sending their pets to attack enemies. Hunters are also good at crowd control, trapping enemies, and slowing them down.

Strengths: High ranged damage output, good crowd control abilities

Weaknesses: Low survivability when enemies get too close

4. Rogue

Rogues are the game's primary melee damage dealers. They are quick, deadly and are experts at slipping into the shadows and evading detection. Rogues also have excellent crowd control abilities and can stun enemies.

Strengths: High damage output, stealth, and CC abilities

Weaknesses: Low survivability

5. Druid

Druids are a hybrid class that can shapeshift into different forms, giving them versatility in combat. They can tank as a bear, heal as a tree, and deal damage as a cat or moonkin. Druids also have crowd control abilities and can resurrect fallen allies.

Strengths: Versatility in combat, strong heals, and tanking ability

Weaknesses: Limited damage output in certain forms

6. Mage

Mages are the game's primary spellcasters. They deal massive amounts of damage by casting spells and can control the battlefield with their crowd control abilities. Mages are also handy in providing utility, such as making portals and teleports.

Strengths: High damage output, crowd control abilities, and utility

Weaknesses: Low health, vulnerable to melee attacks

7. Warlock

Warlocks are another spellcasting class that specializes in using dark magic to control demons and inflict damage over time on their enemies. They can also provide various utility abilities, such as summoning others to their location.

Strengths: High damage output, demon control abilities, and utility

Weaknesses: Low health and vulnerable to melee attacks

8. Shaman

Shamans are a hybrid class that can heal, deal melee damage or ranged magic damage. They are masters of the elements and can summon elementals to aid them in combat. Shamans can also provide various buffs to their allies.

Strengths: Versatility in combat, strong heals and both melee and ranged damage output

Weaknesses: Limited crowd control abilities

9. Priest

Priests are another spellcasting class that specializes in healing and providing buffs to their allies. They can deal damage, but their primary focus is sustaining their allies through challenging encounters. Priests can also provide various crowd control abilities.

Strengths: Strong heals, crowd control abilities and utility

Weaknesses: Limited damage output

10. Demon Hunter

Demon Hunters are a unique class that uses their demon powers to deal massive melee damage. They can double jump and glide, making them mobile and effective at evading danger. Demon Hunters also have crowd control abilities.

Strengths: High melee damage output, mobility, and crowd control abilities

Weaknesses: Limited ranged damage output

11. Monk

Monks are a hybrid class that combines martial arts with spellcasting. They can heal, tank or deal damage, making them versatile in combat. Monks are also excellent at moving around the battlefield and evading danger.

Strengths: Versatility in combat, mobility, and control abilities

Weaknesses: Limited ranged damage output

12. Death Knight

Death Knights are a tank or melee damage class that uses their undead powers to deal damage and control the battlefield. They have high health, can resurrect their allies, and have various crowd control abilities.

Strengths: High survivability, crowd control abilities, and utility

Weaknesses: Limited ranged damage output


魔兽世界 职业 英文


1. Warrior(战士)


2. Paladin(圣骑士)


3. Hunter(猎人)


4. Rogue(盗贼)


5. Mage(法师)


6. Warlock(术士)




标签 英文   魔兽世界   职业

